PDMS-3 Complete Kit

Includes Examiner's Manual, Guide to Item Administration, Motor Activities Program, Object Kit, Stimulus Cards, 6 in. x 6 in. Paper Pads, 25 Examiner Record Booklets, 25 Supplemental Subtest Booklets, Scoring Transparency, Peabody Motor Development Chart, 25 Peabody Motor Development Parent Charts, and access to the Online Scoring and Report System, all in a sturdy storage box.

The Peabody Developmental Motor Scales–Third Edition (PDMS-3) is an early childhood motor development program that provides both in-depth assessment and training or remediation of gross and fine motor skills. The assessment measures interrelated motor abilities that develop early in life. The PDMS-3 can be used by occupational therapists, physical therapists, diagnosticians, early intervention specialists, adapted physical education teachers, psychologists, and others who are interested in examining the motor abilities of young children. 



The PDMS-3 has three composites. These composites are derived from combining the results of the subtests to achieve stronger and better indices of performance. The scores of these composites are more reliable and valid than the subtests.