수입검사도구는 주문시점부터 수입기간이 소요되며, 제품의 특성상 반품 및 교환이 불가하오니 이점 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.

Ages: Birth through 3 years
Testing Time: Varies
Administration: Individual

The Birth to Three Assessment and Intervention System- Second Edition (BTAIS-2) is now completely revised and updated to provide examiners 
with an integrated, three-component system for screening, assessing, and intervening with children from birth through age 3:

First, the Screening Test of Developmental Abilities (STDA) can be used to quickly identify young children who may have developmental delays. 
You will know within 15 minutes whether a child has developmental delays and therefore needs further criterion-referenced testing for instructional planning. This norm-referenced instrument contains 85 items for identifying problems in the following areas: Language Comprehension, Language Expression, Nonverbal Thinking, Social/Personal Development, and Motor Development.

Second, those children identified as delayed can be tested with the Comprehensive Test of Developmental Abilities (CTDA), a criterion-referenced measure built to identify each child's specific strengths and weaknesses, and to guide the preparation of instructional plans. This measure was built to assess children in the following areas: Language Comprehension, Language Expression, Nonverbal Thinking, Social/Personal Development, and Motor Development. Finally, the Manual for Teaching Developmental Abilities gives you a series of activities that are appropriate for enhancing skills and strengthening those areas identified by the assessments as weak.
The manual presents a step-by-step treatment guide for professionals involved in the care of developmentally delayed young children.

Complete BTAIS-2 Kit includes: Manual for Teaching, Screening Test of Developmental Abilities Manual, 25 Screening Test of 
Developmental Abilities Record Forms, Comprehensive Test of Developmental Abilities Manual, and 25 Comprehensive Test of Developmental Abilities Record Forms, all in a sturdy storage box. (©2000)